April Quinn-Paquet


Automated tuning and calibration for the SCIEX Triple Quad systems using SCIEX OS software

These 4 short videos demonstrate the automated features included with SCIEX OS software for verifying the performance of the SCIEX Triple Quad systems, and for tuning and calibrating the instrument if it falls outside of performance specifications. These features are a vast improvement over the previous functionality included with Analyst software. There is now a single tuning and calibration solution for all modes of instrument operation, which significantly simplifies and accelerates the tuning process. In addition, the passing acceptance criteria is built into the procedure and the values are displayed, so there is no need for the user to know the passing specifications, and the system automatically tunes and recalibrates if data fall outside the acceptance criteria. Finally, the improved tuning engine behind the procedures has a much higher first-time success rate than manual tuning or the previous automated tuning procedure. When the procedures run, data are automatically saved and the report is generated and easy to find.

Note that the order of the videos in this community post provides a suggested order of running through the optimization steps. In addition, all of the optimization steps can be performed in a single tuning event by selecting them all upon the launch of MS Scan Tuning.

Detector optimization

Quadrupole tuning

LIT tuning

MS/MS/MS tuning



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1 Comment

  1. Nodirjon Sattarov

    Troubleshooting guide for consistent negative tune failure? Intensities are fine, ppm keeps dipping in and out of upper allowable range.

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