The Skyline team has developed a nice pipeline for evaluation of LC-MS/MS performance over time for MS systems in the research lab environment. To help you use this solution, we have set up two Skyline Documents that you can use for continuous system monitoring. These can be used for monitoring your system performance at any flow rate (nano, micro or high flow) using the SWATH acquisition performance pit. If you are performing experiments with both flow rates on a single system, it is recommended that you duplicate the provided documents and data folders and monitor your different flow regimes in separate Skyline documents.
Monitoring Performance using the PepCalMix MRMHR Workflow
Typically, users will run the PepCalMix sample a few times during the day to calibrate their system and to monitor the LC-MS performance. The method monitors both the TOF MS data and the MS/MS of the SPYVITGPGVVEYK peptide at m/z 758. These daily data files can be used to monitor the basic performance of the system, checking for retention time consistency, mass accuracy stability, MS and MS/MS peak area consistency. Acquisition methods can be set up according to the PepCalMix LC-MS System Suitability Test in the SWATH Performance Kit protocol.
Monitoring Performance using SWATH Acquisition on PepCalMix Dosed into Complex Matrix
Another important aspect of monitoring performance is to monitor performance on a complex matrix. We have set up a Skyline document for using PepCalMix dosed in matrix. Here the MS/MS peak areas of all the PepCalMix peptides are monitored (no TOF MS). Acquisition methods can be set up according to the Cell Lysate SWATH Acquisition QC Test in the SWATH Performance Kit protocol.
Getting Started
Setting Up Auto QC
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