Christie Hunter on April 18, 2023 at 5:52 pm Thanks for your question. Yes, there are a number of different formats that can be imported in the LibraryView software database. For information on all the file types that can be uploaded, please refer to this post. An Excel format can be used to import compound information but is not ideal because there is no spectral information included. To obtain the format for the import, you can create an entry in the database and then export it. The export format is the same as the import format. The TPLP format is not a SCIEX format, it is SQL format and was used in the past in import NIST libraries into our library database. As quality spectral libraries are very important to the quality of your results, we have invested a lot of energy to provide library resources for our users. Please refer to the product page to see what libraries SCIEX has available, all which can be imported into LibraryView software. If you have an extensive library that you have created, it might be possible to convert for use with LibraryView software, please reach out to our technical support team to discuss. 1 Log in to Reply