Curtis McMurtrey on May 27, 2022 at 3:26 pm I’m very happy to see nanoLCMS support for the 7600!!! 1 Log in to Reply
Eric Chan on August 9, 2022 at 5:01 pm Hello, we like the “micro bundle” on our current 7600. Is the conversion to nano available as a kit, inclusive of the probe, heater, and the front plate? Thanks. Log in to Reply
Christie Hunter on August 9, 2022 at 10:20 pm Great to hear that you like your OptiFlow source for microflow! Yes, you can get the Nano Add-on bundle to upgrade your system for nanoflow chromatography (P/N 5080308). This bundle contains the OptiFlow interface for nano, the nano column heater, the nanoflow probe and an installation kit. As an FYI for others, the OptiFlow source micro bundle (P/N 5076950) allows you to add the OptiFlow source to your ZenoTOF 7600 system, and this includes the ion source, microflow column heater, the various microflow probes and electrodes and an installation kit. Log in to Reply
Eric Chan on September 27, 2022 at 7:07 pm Hello, Christie. Now that we’ve gotten the OptiFlow source onto our ZenoTOF 7600 system, I’m trying to implement the trap-and-elute method in the application note RUO-MKT-02-13346-A. Since the Micro Trap column (Phenomenex P/N 05N-4252-AC) does not come with any fittings, could you share with us the ferrules and/or fittings used for connecting the trap column to the M-Class HPLC? Thanks for your advice.–targeted–peptide-quantification-of-804-peptides-wi Log in to Reply
Christie Hunter on September 27, 2022 at 9:36 pm Sure thing! For connecting the PEEKsil tails on the traps to a valve with 1/16 ports, like on the Waters M-class system, my favorite connectors are the black multi-piece connectors. They are a little trickier to seat for the first time but they rarely leak once you get them nicely seated! -> 5 PK, Fitting,1/32 in PEEKSil to 1/16 in 10-32 Port (SCIEX P/N 5019821) -> 5 PK, Ferrule,1/32 in PEEKSil to 1/16 in 10-32 Port (SCIEX P/N 5019820) And this little tool from Phenomenex is awesome for tightening these nuts, would highly recommend it! -> Sure-Lok Fitting Tightening Tool, Aluminum, Ea (PHX P/N AQ0-8530) For connecting to valves with 1/32 ports, like on the Eksigent systems, I would use these PEEK nuts -> 1/32 inch PEEK nut with glass-filled PEEK ferrule (10/pkg) (SCIEX P/N 5019621) Check out the image below to see what the various fittings look like! 2 Log in to Reply
he xiao on November 9, 2023 at 3:18 am Hello, Christie. Now that we’ve gotten Eksigent NanoLC 2D High Performance Liquid Chromatography, I’m trying to installate for NANO-LC/MS (or just retrofit to 2D NANO-LC ), But now I do not know how to install it, I would like to ask if there is any relevant installation video, I would like to try to install it by myself. Log in to Reply
Christie Hunter on December 1, 2023 at 5:43 pm Wow, looks like you have an early version of the Eksigent pump! I’m not aware of any installation videos available to users. I would recommend reaching out to your local service team and see what they might have to assist you. I think that Eksigent software version 4.3 should support this pump. This can be downloaded from our software downloads site on Note it is only possible to integrate this EKS software with Analyst software. If you want to use SCIEX OS software you would have to do it through contact closure and using Run Manager in EKS. We have a community post on how to do this with the nanoLC 425 system, which might be helpful for you. Controlling the NanoLC 425 HPLC system using contact closure in SCIEX OS software Hope this helps! Log in to Reply