5 Reasons to choose the Echo® MS system for high-throughput drug discovery

Mar 22, 2023 | Blogs, Discovery, Echo MS, Pharma | 0 comments

Read time: 1 min

Have you thought about introducing new technology into your high-throughput drug discovery lab? Here are 5 reasons the Echo® MS system could make a difference for you.


1. Increased sample throughput
While a traditional fast LC-MS/MS run can take nearly 10 hours per plate, a 384-well plate of samples can take approximately 10 minutes per plate with the Echo® MS system. This means that study data can be available on the day samples are prepared and with the reliability of MS/MS.

2. Reduced carryover
Moving away from LC-MS/MS eliminates the challenge of potential carryover. Acoustic Droplet Ejection technology removes the need for physical contact between the autosampler needle and the sample.

3. Method sensitivity
Detection levels in the low nanomolar range are typically required in a high-throughput drug discovery lab and are readily achieved by the Echo® MS system.

4. Sample preparation savings
Simply prepare the samples in an appropriate solvent and load them into a qualified microplate. Only 2.5 nL of precious sample is required for each analysis.

5. Data accuracy
The Echo® MS system uses the trusted SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ mass spectrometer to provide excellent Z’ values with MS/MS reliability.

Learn more about how the Echo® MS system can support high-throughput drug discovery in these technical notes Development of an acetylcholinesterase biochemical assay using the SCIEX Echo® MS system, Accelerating synthetic biology with very fast screening of metabolites in fermentation broth (sciex.com) might be of interest. Or visit sciex.com.

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Kirsten Craven is the Senior Global Marketing Manager for Pharma global strategic marketing at SCIEX. In this role, she manages strategic marketing for the pharmaceutical industry. Kirsten spent the first part of her career working in laboratories across multiple industries before moving into product management, and most recently pharma marketing.



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