As a consumer it’s hard for me not to feel inundated with claims that our food is “all-natural” or “chemical-free” or that we should buy certain “superfoods” for their health benefits. We read labels and trust that the product we are buying is what we are truly...
Author Highlights
Katherine Hyland
As a technical marketing scientist, I combine my expertise with the latest information from around the globe. I support and develop mass spectrometry solutions for food, environmental and cannabis testing applications. I have more than 13 years of research experience in environmental chemistry and have been with SCIEX since 2014. I am passionate about the role of science in our future as we strive to build a socially just and environmentally conscious world.
Packaging with PFAS is not all it’s wrapped up to be
In the 1930s, a research chemist accidentally created polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE). The discovery put him in the National Inventors Hall of Fame when PTFE was later commercialized under the trade name Teflon. Nobody anticipated the impact this invention would have on...