Please provide at least 3 decimal places for expected retention time for scheduled MRM at EchoMS by Riyo Imamura | Jun 22, 2023 | Data acquisition, Echo MS, Questions, SCIEX OS software, TechnologyExpected retention time for scheduled MRM at EchoMS must have at least 3 decimal places, because the minute display with two decimal places is insufficient to show the difference in seconds. Thank you.
I want to use the Discovery Quant function at EchoMS by Riyo Imamura | Apr 11, 2022 | Discovery, Echo MS, Questions, SCIEX OS softwareI think EchoMS is powerful tool for high-throughput MS and it would be even better if the Discovery Quant function could be used in SCIEX-OS. I think it will be possible by using the infusion mode. Thank you.
Please increase the number of files saved as the dispensing log by Riyo Imamura | Apr 6, 2022 | Agriculture, Echo MS, Questions, SCIEX OS software, TechnologyWe found the dispensing log in the folder at C:\ProgramData\SCIEX\EchoMS\Data. These files are valuable for us to check the dispensing status when something is wrong with the result, but now there are only 50 files there. So we hope the number of files saved there to...