Maximize NPS analysis with accurate mass spectrometry by Pierre Negri | 0 CommentsLC-MS/MS is a powerful analytical tool in forensic toxicology testing that can support a variety of testing regimes such as screening, confirmation and quantitative workflows. More specifically, analysis of NPS using LC-MS/MS provides many advantages, including the ability to reliably detect new drugs and their metabolites from a variety of biological matrices.
Maximize NPS analysis with accurate mass spectrometry by Pierre Negri | Blogs, Forensic, SCIEX OS software, Toxicology, ZenoTOF 7600 systemLC-MS/MS is a powerful analytical tool in forensic toxicology testing that can support a variety of testing regimes such as screening, confirmation and quantitative workflows. More specifically, analysis of NPS using LC-MS/MS provides many advantages, including the ability to reliably detect new drugs and their metabolites from a variety of biological matrices.