Readtime: 3 minutes At SCIEX, we are proud to provide analytical systems to the pharmaceutical industry. We work hard to understand the demands of analytical work and the processes required to develop and manufacture drugs. While the performance of an analytical...
Author Highlights
Kirsten Craven
Kirsten Craven is the Senior Global Marketing Manager for Pharma global strategic marketing at SCIEX. In this role, she manages strategic marketing for the pharmaceutical industry. Kirsten spent the first part of her career working in laboratories across multiple industries before moving into product management, and most recently pharma marketing.
What has the Echo® MS system done for the pharma industry? (And don’t just take our word for it!)
Read time: 4 minutes SCIEX was very proud to have an illustration of the Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS) technology that powers the Echo® MS system on the front cover of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry in January 2023. The...
5 Reasons to choose the Echo® MS system for high-throughput drug discovery
Read time: 1 min Have you thought about introducing new technology into your high-throughput drug discovery lab? Here are 5 reasons the Echo® MS system could make a difference for you. 1. Increased sample throughput While a traditional fast LC-MS/MS run can...