Frequently Asked Questions

IAB participation

How do I participate in an Innovation Advisory Board activity?

All activities are optional and you can participate in as many or as few as you’d like.

For phone interviews, web-based focus groups, webinars, concept evaluations, usability evaluations, and early customer evaluations, we will contact you by email as well, inviting you to take part in discussions on topics relevant to your expertise and at times convenient for you.

All current and ongoing IAB activities are also posted on our website so you can choose to participate directly from there.

How often will I be asked to participate in an Innovation Advisory Board activity?

Participation in all IAB activities are completely voluntary. We respect and value your time.

The IAB regularly conducts online surveys, phone interviews, web-based focus groups, polls, webinars, concept evaluations, usability evaluations and early customer evaluations — but participation is always optional.

How long will the Innovation Advisory Board activity take to complete?

Surveys: A typical survey takes anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes to complete, depending on your Internet connectivity and the complexity of the survey. The timeframe will be provided within each email invitation.

Interviews: Phone discussions typically take between 20 and 50 minutes depending on the topic of the conversation. The timeframe will be provided within each email invitation.

Web-based focus groups, webinars, concept evaluations, usability evaluations and early customer evaluations all have different timeframes which will be provided within each activity invitation.

Will I be able to see the results from the activities I participated in?

Select IAB activity results are published in our newsletters and website which are used to highlight the outcomes of IAB-related activities and bring awareness to new products, services, and initiatives. We are continually developing ways to enhance this feedback loop.

How do I obtain the IAB annual membership certificate?

Participate in and complete at least one IAB activity throughout a calendar year and a membership certificate will be emailed to you at the beginning of the following year.

How long will I remain a member of the Innovation Advisory Board?

We hope that you choose to remain part of the Innovation Advisory Board for a long time. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email request to with ‘Request Removal’ as the subject of your email.

How can I leave the Innovation Advisory Board?

You can unsubscribe from the board by emailing us at and inserting ‘Request Removal’ as the subject of your email.

How do I update my personal information?

You can update your profile by going here. At the landing screen, type in your email address and your password and click “login”. Here you can edit and submit your changes.

Data Privacy

What will you do with my email address?

To be a member of the Innovation Advisory Board we require an email address. We will only use this email address to invite you to participate in program activities and to send you the Innovation Advisory Board Newsletter and other IAB-related content. Occasionally, we may use a trusted partner to assist us in gathering feedback from IAB members.  Rest assured that your membership information in the IAB will remain confidential and will never be sold, rented, or shared.

What will you do with the information you collect from me?

Your name and email address will be collected, along with your activity participation responses. By participating in IAB activities, you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data. Our full policy regarding the handling of personal data, and how we use your information, is located in our Privacy Policy.

Technical Problems & Support

How do I report a technical problem regarding the Innovation Advisory Board?

Send an email to including a description of the problem, and someone from the IAB team will get back to you. You can also click the help button on our website and we will reply to your inquiry from there.

Ask a question

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