Scale it up! The Echo® MS System delivers unprecedented levels of productivity

Oct 13, 2020 | Biopharma, Blogs, Echo MS, Pharma | 0 comments

Imagine the productivity gains your lab could achieve with a technology that not only analyzes samples up to 50x faster than conventional quantitative LC-MS, but also eliminates tedious sample preparation, time-consuming LC method development and chromatographic run times.

Sound impossible? Not anymore.

Enter the new, exciting and very real Echo® MS System with:

  • Ultra-high quantitative MS sampling speeds of up to 3 samples per second
  • Built-in “dilute-and-shoot” technology that eliminates sample prep time
  • No LC method development or run times, because there is no LC

Wait…no LC?

With its Acoustic Droplet Ejection (ADE) and Open Port Interface (OPI), the Echo MS System replaces conventional LC with game-changing technology that dramatically reduces the amount of time required for quantitative MS analysis. With no LC requirements, the Echo® MS System eliminates the need to spend time and effort developing separation methods. Troubleshooting LC problems and waiting for LC columns to wash, equilibrate and elute analytes disappear, all while delivering a speed of analysis that sets records for quantitative MS.

Imagine a 384 well plate finished in less than 7 minutes.1 With that kind of speed, entire discovery libraries containing millions of compounds can be quantitatively analyzed in a matter of days. Lead compounds are discovered faster, and project timelines can be radically accelerated.

Having this kind of speed means:

  • Faster turnaround times for the same number of samples and compounds
  • More compounds, larger sample sets and bigger cohorts can be analyzed in the same time frame as conventional LC-MS
  • Dead ends and false positives can be found earlier, allowing teams to make critical decisions faster

“Recently we heard comments from one of our collaborators. They are already starting to see the paradigm shift in their company. A lot of assays routinely run on the optical-based analytical instrument are now shifting to the mass-spec-based platform.”2
Chang Liu, SCIEX R&D

With the Echo MS System, a fundamentally fast platform is combined with an effort-easing workflow that is more than the sum of its parts. With the capability to accelerate project turnaround times from months to weeks, days or even hours or minutes, the Echo MS System can dramatically improve your lab productivity.

To learn more about how you can massively scale up your productivity and RUN FAST, visit the Echo® MS System website for more information.

This blog is part 2 of a 3-part series on the Echo MS System. Read part 1 (How fast is fast? The Echo® MS System sets the record.), and part 3 (Scale it up! The Echo® MS System delivers unprecedented levels of productivity.).


  1. Kern, R.; Liu, C.; Aw, C.C. Rapid MS/MS analysis with Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS): Using the SCIEX Echo® MS System to break bottlenecks in quantitative mass spectrometry throughput. SCIEX, 2020. 
  2. Echo® MS System Product Announcement, 00:39:53.

RUO-MKT-18-12283-A Echo® and Echo® MS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Labcyte Inc. in the United States and other countries, being used under license by SCIEX.

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Neil Walsh is the Senior Manager for Pharma global strategic marketing at SCIEX. In this role, he manages both the strategic market and marketing for the pharmaceutical industry. Neil has spent all his working life entrenched in the pharmaceutical industry from active research, sales and business development through to strategic marketing. Outside of work Neil enjoys rugby, cycling and spending time with his family



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