A recent webcast by Charles Pineau, Director of Protim, IRSET, Rennes, France, demonstrates how you can use the OneOmics™ Platform as a "Click & Easy" workflow for integrating next-generation proteomics (NGP) data with next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Dr....
Author Highlights
Fabienne Le Floch
Simplify and Improve the Analysis of Lipid Molecular Species Using SelexION Technology
Analyzing lipids can be tricky. Lipids tend to have a wide variety of chemical structures, and this makes it virtually impossible to find one LC method that can resolve all lipid species. Therefore, multiple LC methods are often used. Also, there is widespread...
MultiOmics Research For the Study of Placental Development
A recent study by Katy Williams (UCSF), Christie Hunter (SCIEX), and Andrew Olsen (Advaita) used the iPathwayGuide within the OneOmics cloud computing environment to help understand how placental development can go awry during certain pregnancy complications such as...