Getting a Clean Match in Forensic Toxicology using LC-MS/MS

Feb 6, 2017 | Blogs, Forensic | 0 comments

As a forensic scientist, what holds you back in the lab? It’s a question we often ask ourselves here at SCIEX, as product development depends on customer wants, needs, satisfaction, and ease of workflow. Ensuring evidence can withstand forensic scrutiny, for example, correlates with the integrity of testing procedures. Knowing this, how do you convince your staff to be confident in results, or convey technical data to a non-technical courtroom audience? If you have been left wondering how to get to the bottom of topics like these, check out the following toxicology toolkit. It’s a bundle of resources at your fingertips that includes a webinar led by Tania A. Saski Ph.D., Northwest Physician Laboratories, Bellevue, Using QTRAP® Technology to Provide Accurate Identification and Confirmation Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, and so much more.  Download Info Kit >

Tune in at your convenience to hear about her insights on four forensic cases with questionable results which were rectified using QTRAP® technology. When sample ratios are on the bubble and retention times vary, discover how LC-MS/MS can be a logical solution for difficult confirmations like opiate analysis. Gain higher confidence in your results and make it clear to everyone involved that you have a sample match.

In addition to the webinar, gain access to bundled application notes, a white paper, and in case you missed it, an e-seminar too. Want to get more insight into forensic applications? Visit, Border Security with Accuracy, Reliability, and Reproducibility.

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