April Quinn-Paquet on December 6, 2017 at 12:55 pm In addition to the features listed above, there are also new enhancements to the scheduledMRM Algorithm parameters! To name a few, there is now an sMRM calculator script incorporated into the Analyst 1.7 software. This can help to visually see your MRM concurrency and optimize your sMRM method. You can also choose different Q1/Q3 resolution settings PER TRANSITION in a single method! This avoids having to run samples twice in order to use different resolution settings. You can also choose to use a Target Scan Time (per sMRM experiment), or a Target Cycle Time (across all sMRM experiments) in order to optimize points across the peak. You can set a Minimum and Maximum Dwell Time to be used for caluclating the dwell times for your sMRM method. Want to know more? Ask me! Log in to Reply