What Food Safety Trends are Coming This Year?

Mar 2, 2017 | Blogs, Food / Beverage | 0 comments

As we settle into 2017, I can’t help but reflect on the previous year’s food safety. Take for example the legislative changes meant to contain contamination outbreaks like those happening in places like China, Singapore, and New Zealand. Over the past year, we have developed new methods that detect antibiotics in poultry feed, LC-MS/MS Analysis of Emerging Contaminants, and help set food standards in China. All the while developing more sophisticated technology to keep up with testing demands.

Changes like this do not come easy. At SCIEX, one must be on top of trends before they happen, and as such, our R&D department spent most of the year investing in this new vision and updating mass spectrometry instruments to meet the challenges of today’s food labs.

You can read more about mine and my colleague’s perspectives on emerging technologies in Asian Food Journalin which we not only discuss product innovation and highlights but trends and opportunities too. Meanwhile, keep a look out for monthly blogs keeping you up to date on continuous trends.

The Take Away: Labs around the world are starting to migrate to High-Resolution MS workflows, particularly SWATH® Acquisition. Join me in adding your thoughts on what food and safety trends are coming this year by commenting below.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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