Author Highlights

SCIEX Community

SCIEX Community

Guardians of Antibiotics

Guardians of Antibiotics

This second is a blog series on the global war: Rise of Superbugs! Part 1 took a critical look at the antibiotic threat we face in today’s battlefield. The waning effectiveness of antibiotics as we head into what may seem like a post-antibiotic era has impelled new...

Rise of the Super Bugs

Rise of the Super Bugs

The term “antibiotic-free” is becoming more and more popular in food advertising these days. Take Subway for example; in March the company elevated their antibiotic-free policy and introduced a new antibiotic-free rotisserie-style chicken sub, and they plan...

Using Mass Spec to Detect Trace Explosives

Using Mass Spec to Detect Trace Explosives

The importance of protecting a country’s border is a very topical issue. The war on drugs and terror is a 24/7 task 366 days a year (2016 is a leap year). The government agencies in charge must be vigilant and maintain instrumentation to prevent terrorism, drug...

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