Reporting only unknown samples containing a specific sample ID prefix (in this case Sample ID prefix = PHT)
I am using Multiquant software and I am trying to create a report to pull data on specific sample from a large run.
ProteinPilot phosphopeptide library and DIA-NN
I have prepared a spectral library for a phosphopeptide enriched sample and I am generating my SWATH samples from similarly enriched samples. The problem is that when I use DIA-NN for the retention time alignment and quant, it doesn’t recognise the terminology of the spectral library annotated by ProteinPilot. DIA-NN recognises Unimod:21 for phosphorylation, but PP uses phospho(Tyr) etc. Other than changing the data dictionary to get around the mismatch, anyone have any suggestions for how I might resolve this? Thank you, Roz
Current proteomics software compatibility for ZenoTOF 7600 system
Below is a summary of various other software packages that are useful for processing proteomics data from the ZenoTOF 7600 system. Note this list is not comprehensive and only covers the tools we have lightly tested to date. Acquisition Type Software Files needed...
Sequential processing of multiple data-files in ProteinPilot
I would like to use ProteinPilot 5.0.2 to process data-sets containing 16 wiff files acquired from fractionated peptides on a 6600 TripleTOF. A Precision T7910 workstation struggles to process four files in parallel and I would like to be able to queue sequential processing of individual files overnight. I currently use the ‘LC ‘ tab to load and process individual data-files but this leads to parallel processing. Is it possible to generate 16 .group files sequentially?
Creating a library from a FASTA file for library-free data analysis
While generating proteomic spectral libraries today is relatively easy, sometimes a library is needed and there is not time or need to generate a deep library using the traditional data-dependent acquisition approach. Here, a strategy will be outlined to generate a...
Processing ZenoTOF 7600 system data with DIA-NN software
DIA-NN software is a powerful software tool for processing data independent acquisition (DIA) proteomics datasets. It uses neural networks and other algorithms to identify and quantify peptides and proteins from DIA data and is specifically optimized for fast...
Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate
This excel workbook is designed to be used with data copied from a SCIEX OS software Analytics module results file
Uploading data for use in OneOmics suite
There are two options for data storage when working with the OneOmics suite. You can store your data either within the SCIEX Cloud platform in the Data Store, or you can store data in BaseSpace (Illumina) and link your BaseSpace account with the SCIEX Cloud platform....
sMRM Pro Builder template tutorial
The sMRM Pro Builder template is an Excel-based tool that can help you implement large panels of analytes in your lab. The Excel sheet will take your preliminary experimental results and compute retention times, retention time window widths and dwell time weighting to optimize your targeted assay.