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How Easy Is It to Relocate a Mass Spectrometer?

When you’re in the process of moving your lab, across the corridor or to another country, there’s a lot to think about. Adding to the stress, there’s not always a lot of time to plan, or budget allocated for the process, especially in the case of unexpected urgent maintenance work.

SWATH Acquisition – Master of All Trades

SWATH® Acquisition is an innovative strategy for acquiring data on a TripleTOF® mass spectrometer. In a previous blog, we learned how SWATH works. Now let’s learn what it can do for different applications:

Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry with the Power of SWATH

There are many different methods in use today to acquire data on a mass spectrometer, but few have generated as much buzz in recent years as SWATH technology. First reported 5 years ago by Ruedi Aebersold and his group1, SWATH® Acquisition on a TripleTOF® instrument has rapidly become one of the premier acquisition strategies for identification and quantitation of complex samples. But what exactly is SWATH and why is it so powerful? In order to answer these questions, let’s first take a step back and look at the larger picture.

Vice President Biden Announces Agreement Naming Children’s Medical Research Institute’s ProCan Lab to the ‘Cancer Moonshot’ Initiative

A key goal of the ‘Cancer Moonshot’ initiative is the advancement of precision medicine, with the goal of making more targeted therapies available to more cancer patients. And researchers believe that the time is right, with the new technological innovations, the new insight into the biology of cancer and big improvements in the handling of ‘big data.’

Detect the Signal, Not the Noise

Detect the Signal, Not the Noise

  Improving the specificity and selectivity of your assay Your LC-MS assay is only as good as its power to discern your target compound from everything else. Standards dissolved in clean solvents can make beautiful assays, but analytes in real-world samples can behave...

Make the Leap from GC to LC-MS/MS

  Choosing the best technique for your analysis can be tough. Should you go with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)? That’s the key question. That’s why we’re here to help. The Limitations of...

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