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Mackenzie Pearson

Mackenzie Pearson

Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate

Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate

This excel workbook is designed to be used with data copied from a SCIEX OS software Analytics module results file If there are multiple results for a sample, the data should be sorted so that well replicates are in sequence with each other. If they are out of order,...

Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate

Excel macro for plate building for transformation of 96-well to 384-well plates with generation of batch lists for SCIEX OS software

This macro-enabled workbook is designed to help with creating a formatted analysis list for the Echo® MS system, using 96-well plate maps or lists How to use: For 96-well plate sample lists using the numbered format location (1 to 96, instead of A1 to H12) Copy sample...

Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate

High level method optimization considerations for Echo MS system

While an in-depth discussion of method development and optimization for the Echo® MS system is beyond the scope of a community post, here are some points to consider as part of the process: The maximum recommended ion spray voltage for prolonged electrode life is 5000...

Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate

What to do if you see peak shape deterioration or jagged peaks in your Echo MS system data?

Once a method has been developed, and good, consistent peak shapes have been obtained for an assay, the Echo® MS system is generally quite consistent. If peak quality deteriorates, consider the following points: The viscosity of the sample can affect the peak shape...

Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate

Tips to maximize electrode lifetime for Echo MS system

While it’s easy to think of the Echo® MS system as an ultrafast LC system in front of the SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ mass spectrometer, the system operates on fundamentally different principles. For this reason, it requires different routine maintenance to keep it...

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