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Loss the contact closure signal

Loss the contact closure signal

our 7600 couple with nanoLC Ultimate 3000 via contact closure. it has run without any loss connection during the batch. Just yesterday, the last injection keep equilibrating system until the LC finished the gradient run. We closed the software and power off LC and MS then started again but it did not help. The Dionex engineer also checked their LC and triggerring cable found both are ok.

Loss the contact closure signal

ProteinPilot phosphopeptide library and DIA-NN

I have prepared a spectral library for a phosphopeptide enriched sample and I am generating my SWATH samples from similarly enriched samples. The problem is that when I use DIA-NN for the retention time alignment and quant, it doesn’t recognise the terminology of the spectral library annotated by ProteinPilot. DIA-NN recognises Unimod:21 for phosphorylation, but PP uses phospho(Tyr) etc. Other than changing the data dictionary to get around the mismatch, anyone have any suggestions for how I might resolve this? Thank you, Roz

Loss the contact closure signal

Sequential processing of multiple data-files in ProteinPilot

I would like to use ProteinPilot 5.0.2 to process data-sets containing 16 wiff files acquired from fractionated peptides on a 6600 TripleTOF. A Precision T7910 workstation struggles to process four files in parallel and I would like to be able to queue sequential processing of individual files overnight. I currently use the ‘LC ‘ tab to load and process individual data-files but this leads to parallel processing. Is it possible to generate 16 .group files sequentially?

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