Selecting an LC-MS system for quantitation of pharmaceutical drug development by Kirsten Craven | 0 CommentsWe understand you are busy, needing to prioritize running instruments, reporting results and managing your laboratory to meet deadlines. We created a solution guide to explain how SCIEX systems fit in the drug development pipeline to save you time evaluating options.
Detecting low levels of drugs and their metabolites in hair and nail samples using LC-MS/MS by SCIEX Community | 0 CommentsYou probably have heard of testing blood and urine samples for the presence of drugs and their metabolites. But do you know about the benefits of hair and nail analysis? In a recent webinar, Tina Binz, Deputy Head of the Center for Forensic Hair Analysis, University of Zurich, discussed the benefits of developing comprehensive and sensitive LC-MS/MS for the detection of low-level drugs and metabolites in keratinized matrices.
New features in OneOmics suite by April Quinn-Paquet | 1 CommentI just wanted to thank the readers here, both the OneOmics suite users who’ve shared their time and watched OneOmics grow, and for all the talented developers and scientists who’ve made OneOmics suite what it is today.
Selecting an LC-MS system for quantitation of pharmaceutical drug development by Kirsten Craven | Blogs, Echo MS, Pharma, QTRAP / Triple Quad, ZenoTOF 7600 systemWe understand you are busy, needing to prioritize running instruments, reporting results and managing your laboratory to meet deadlines. We created a solution guide to explain how SCIEX systems fit in the drug development pipeline to save you time evaluating options.
Detecting low levels of drugs and their metabolites in hair and nail samples using LC-MS/MS by SCIEX Community | Blogs, Forensic, ToxicologyYou probably have heard of testing blood and urine samples for the presence of drugs and their metabolites. But do you know about the benefits of hair and nail analysis? In a recent webinar, Tina Binz, Deputy Head of the Center for Forensic Hair Analysis, University of Zurich, discussed the benefits of developing comprehensive and sensitive LC-MS/MS for the detection of low-level drugs and metabolites in keratinized matrices.
New features in OneOmics suite by April Quinn-Paquet | Bioanalysis/PK, Biopharma, Genomics, Life Science Research, Lipidomics, Metabolomics, Multi-Omics, OneOmics, Pharma, Proteomics, SCIEX information, SoftwareI just wanted to thank the readers here, both the OneOmics suite users who’ve shared their time and watched OneOmics grow, and for all the talented developers and scientists who’ve made OneOmics suite what it is today.
Can Resolution value be a zero? by Deokheon Song | Biopharma, CE, Questions, ResultsCan Resolution value be a zero?
Excel macro for calculating averages or percent CVs from replicates in a 384 -well plate by Mackenzie Pearson | Bioanalysis/PK, Data processing, Data Visualization, Echo MS, Pharma, SCIEX information, SCIEX OS softwareThis excel workbook is designed to be used with data copied from a SCIEX OS software Analytics module results file
Short-chain PFAS compounds are on the rise- Craig’s PFAS Vodcast Cora Young by Craig Butt | Blogs, Environmental / IndustrialRead time: 2 minutes Short-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are increasing in the Canadian Arctic environment, with the most rapid increases occurring post-2000, according to a recent study in Geophysical Research Letters (April 2020). For example,...
How to share your results with collaborators by Alexandra Antonoplis | Getting Started, Life Science Research, Multi-Omics, OneOmics, SCIEX informationAs multi-omics research is often highly collaborative, tools for rapidly sharing important results files are needed to drive scientific progress. The SCIEX Data Store in the OneOmics suite enables you to not only organize your uploaded multi-omics data files into...
Downloading results from SCIEX Data Store or BaseSpace by Alexandra Antonoplis | Getting Started, Life Science Research, Multi-Omics, OneOmics, Proteomics, SCIEX informationOnce your data processing sessions have completed, the results files are saved back to either SCIEX Data Store or BaseSpace. These can be downloaded from the cloud to your desktop for additional analysis. Please see these community posts to learn more: Explaining the...
Quickly compare identification results from ProteinPilot software by Christie Hunter | Data Visualization, Life Science Research, ProteinPilot, Proteomics, QTOF, SCIEX information, ZenoTOF 7600 systemWhen a ProteinPilot Software search is complete, a ProteinPilot report is generated that contains all the false discovery rate (FDR) analysis information. More information on using the large and small ProteinPilot reports can be found here When doing method...
Breaking down the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP® Ready by Jianru Stahl-Zeng | Blogs, ClinicalSensitivity and robustness carry different meanings in the world of mass spectrometry. Generally, sensitivity refers to an instrument’s ability to achieve lower limits of detection (LOD). Robustness, on the other hand, refers to an instrument’s ability to consistently...
A rising star in food allergen research: proteomics of shellfish allergen by SCIEX Community | Blogs, Food / Beverage, Life Science Research, ProteomicsIt’s important to know what you’re eating, especially if you suffer from a food allergy. About 220 million people worldwide live with a food allergy.1 These numbers, along with the complexity and severity of conditions, continue to rise. In America, there are about 32 million food allergy sufferers—5.6 million of those are children under the age of 18.2.2 That’s 1 out of every 13 children, or about 2 in every classroom. From a financial perspective, the cost of food allergy childcare for US families is up to $25 billion