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sMRM Pro Builder template tutorial

sMRM Pro Builder template tutorial

The sMRM Pro Builder template is an Excel-based tool that can help you implement large panels of analytes in your lab. The Excel sheet will take your preliminary experimental results and compute retention times, retention time window widths and dwell time weighting to optimize your targeted assay.

Visualizing SWATH acquisition results in CloudConnect

What is variable window SWATH acquisition and why does it improve results quality?

To continue to improve the quality of the SWATH acquisition data that one can achieve in complex matrices, we are working on ways that we can decrease the size of the Q1 window, while still maintaining full mass range coverage and optimal cycle times.  One great way...

Visualizing SWATH acquisition results in CloudConnect

What is SWATH acquisition and what are the critical acquisition attributes?

In data-independent acquisition strategies like SWATH acquisition, an expanded mass isolation window is stepped across a mass range covering the mass-to-charge (m/z) distribution of peptides and a full scan MS/MS spectrum is collected at each step. Post-acquisition,...

Getting access to demo data and other files for learning the OneOmics suite

CloudTalk – Multi-omics – comparing proteomics data with genomics data with OneOmics suite

Now that you have watched the other cloud talks and learned how to use the various different applications for data processing and results review, we show you in this cloud talk how to put it all together and process a multi-omics data set! This CloudTalk (19:14mins)...

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