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Detecting low levels of drugs and their metabolites in hair and nail samples using LC-MS/MS

Detecting low levels of drugs and their metabolites in hair and nail samples using LC-MS/MS

You probably have heard of testing blood and urine samples for the presence of drugs and their metabolites. But do you know about the benefits of hair and nail analysis? In a recent webinar, Tina Binz, Deputy Head of the Center for Forensic Hair Analysis, University of Zurich, discussed the benefits of developing comprehensive and sensitive LC-MS/MS for the detection of low-level drugs and metabolites in keratinized matrices.

Guide decisions during cell line development with more information at the intact level

Guide decisions during cell line development with more information at the intact level

Monitoring product quality attributes (PQAs) throughout monoclonal antibody (mAb) development is vital to ensuring drug safety and efficacy. By adopting orthogonal analytical techniques and integrating new technologies that have the potential to provide more information, it is possible to improve product quality and manufacturing efficiency and make more informed decisions.

Maximize NPS analysis with accurate mass spectrometry

Maximize NPS analysis with accurate mass spectrometry

LC-MS/MS is a powerful analytical tool in forensic toxicology testing that can support a variety of testing regimes such as screening, confirmation and quantitative workflows. More specifically, analysis of NPS using LC-MS/MS provides many advantages, including the ability to reliably detect new drugs and their metabolites from a variety of biological matrices.

What has the Echo® MS system done for the pharma industry? (And don’t just take our word for it!)

What has the Echo® MS system done for the pharma industry? (And don’t just take our word for it!)

SCIEX was very proud to have an illustration of the Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS) technology that powers the Echo® MS system on the front cover of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry in January 2023. The associated article—Ultrahigh-Throughput Intact Protein Analysis with Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry—was co-authored by scientists from SCIEX and Merck.

LC-MS/MS Method for Biotherapeutic Drug Development Challenges

LC-MS/MS Method for Biotherapeutic Drug Development Challenges

Traditionally, the pharmacokinetic profile of biotherapeutics such as insulin glargine, adalimumab, trastuzumab and others, used gold standard LBAs to assess dose-response during drug discovery and development. However, LBAs require a specific antibody reagent to be developed for each mAb variant, a process that is often incompatible with the compressed timeframes encountered during the initial stages of drug development.

Polar Pesticide Analysis by CESI-MS for Routine Food Testing – A Poster Talk

Polar Pesticide Analysis by CESI-MS for Routine Food Testing – A Poster Talk

Method development for routine food testing presents many challenges – whether you are looking to increase the speed of your screening or simplify your method there can be different solutions suited to the task at hand. During RAFA 2015 in Prague, Steve Lock, Market Development Manager for SCIEX Separations in EMEA outlines how CESI-MS may be best suited for polar pesticide analysis.

How You Can Detect Pesticide 1080 In Milk & Infant Formula – A Poster Talk

How You Can Detect Pesticide 1080 In Milk & Infant Formula – A Poster Talk

In this poster talk André Schreiber, Applications and Product Manager for Food and Environmental Markets at SCIEX guides you through a new method developed in conjunction with Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC). The method is designed to better detect a harmful substance that the infant formula and milk industry are under threat from – Sodium Fluoroacetate, otherwise known as Compound 1080 or Monofluoroacetate.

A Reliable Method for the Identification, Quantitation, and Confirmation of Pesticides

A Reliable Method for the Identification, Quantitation, and Confirmation of Pesticides

When carrying out routine pesticide identification tests in your lab how simple is the process of identification, quantitation, and final confirmation from sample to sample? A reliable method designed to generate multiple data sets and confirm sample data in parallel with your test can save an awful lot of time and effort which is especially helpful as the demand for routine testing increases. In this poster talk, Detlev Schleuder, Support Manager for Food & Environmental Markets, explains how the new QTRAP® 6500+ system can optimize your laboratory’s output with this simple method.

The Gluten Free Cookie Label Test

The Gluten Free Cookie Label Test

I am a label reader. I like to eat healthily and know what the long, confusing ingredients on the side of a package mean. Therefore, in the spirit of the holiday season, I dedicate this blog to all the gluten intolerant folks out there whose only wish is to eat a yummy cookie while also being absolutely positively sure it is gluten free.

Are there Antibiotics in your Thanksgiving Turkey?

Are there Antibiotics in your Thanksgiving Turkey?

Truth – the first turkey I ever cooked was still frozen when it hit our plates. I couldn’t figure out why that thing was taking so long to roast. Then it hit me. I forgot to defrost the bird. If I recall correctly, even the giblets were still in it. It was ten p.m. when I broke the news to my guests that the turkey was not happening. A pizza was ordered, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief that they would not be suffering from a bout of food poisoning.

Celebrate with a Pesticide Free Thanksgiving!

Celebrate with a Pesticide Free Thanksgiving!

Before you start wondering if you should buy organic ingredients this Thanksgiving, it is good to know regulating bodies set and monitor allowable pesticide limits within our food supply. Pesticides that help control pests, disease, and deter unwanted animals from eating supplies found in fields, mills, and facilities. How and when this testing takes place in the United States is overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) according to five primary regulating statutes. 

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