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Unlock the benefits of nominal mass spectrometry for NPS analysis

Unlock the benefits of nominal mass spectrometry for NPS analysis

The development of analytical methods for the detection and quantitation of drugs and metabolites in a range of biological matrices is a challenging process. Forensic toxicology labs need a reproducible and reliable methodology to ensure the robustness of the data and the quality of the results. They also need robust and sensitive instrumentation that can detect drugs at trace levels with high specificity, especially when it comes to novel psychoactive substances (NPS), which can be difficult to monitor and control.

Using Scheduled Ionization to reduce system ion load for proteomics data acquisition

Using Scheduled Ionization to reduce system ion load for proteomics data acquisition

When analyzing highly complex samples from biological matrices, there can be significant amounts of material that elute in the wash cycle of the LC run, depending on the up-front sample preparation used.  The Scheduled Ionization mode, available in both SCIEX OS...

MRM method transfer from a SCIEX Triple Quad or QTRAP 6500+ system to the SCIEX 7500 system

MRM method transfer from a SCIEX Triple Quad or QTRAP 6500+ system to the SCIEX 7500 system

General recommendations when beginning method development Objective: The purpose of this document is to provide a quick reference for transferring MRM-based quantification methods from a SCIEX Triple Quad or QTRAP 6500+ system to a SCIEX 7500 system. While the best...

What is SWATH acquisition and what are the critical acquisition attributes?

What is SWATH acquisition and what are the critical acquisition attributes?

In data-independent acquisition strategies like SWATH acquisition, an expanded mass isolation window is stepped across a mass range covering the mass-to-charge (m/z) distribution of peptides and a full scan MS/MS spectrum is collected at each step. Post-acquisition,...

A rising star in food allergen research: proteomics of shellfish allergen

A rising star in food allergen research: proteomics of shellfish allergen

It’s important to know what you’re eating, especially if you suffer from a food allergy.

About 220 million people worldwide live with a food allergy.1 These numbers, along with the complexity and severity of conditions, continue to rise. In America, there are about 32 million food allergy sufferers—5.6 million of those are children under the age of 18.2.2 That’s 1 out of every 13 children, or about 2 in every classroom. From a financial perspective, the cost of food allergy childcare for US families is up to $25 billion

Discover The Benefits of Knowledge Base Articles

Discover The Benefits of Knowledge Base Articles

Did you know you can access Knowledge Base Articles for trending user questions compiled and answered by SCIEX support experts? Doing so may help to reduce your support calls, not to mention downtime. Instead of waiting for a problem to occur, you can stay on top of it, and be a part of the solution. To give you an idea of trending articles, consider the how this past month saw questions and answers including:

Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry with the Power of SWATH

Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry with the Power of SWATH

There are many different methods in use today to acquire data on a mass spectrometer, but few have generated as much buzz in recent years as SWATH technology. First reported 5 years ago by Ruedi Aebersold and his group1, SWATH® Acquisition on a TripleTOF® instrument has rapidly become one of the premier acquisition strategies for identification and quantitation of complex samples. But what exactly is SWATH and why is it so powerful? In order to answer these questions, let’s first take a step back and look at the larger picture.

Vice President Biden Announces Agreement Naming Children’s Medical Research Institute’s ProCan Lab to the ‘Cancer Moonshot’ Initiative

Vice President Biden Announces Agreement Naming Children’s Medical Research Institute’s ProCan Lab to the ‘Cancer Moonshot’ Initiative

A key goal of the ‘Cancer Moonshot’ initiative is the advancement of precision medicine, with the goal of making more targeted therapies available to more cancer patients. And researchers believe that the time is right, with the new technological innovations, the new insight into the biology of cancer and big improvements in the handling of ‘big data.’

Stoller Biomarker Discovery Centre, Addressing Some of the Biggest Issues in Medicine

Stoller Biomarker Discovery Centre, Addressing Some of the Biggest Issues in Medicine

The Stoller Biomarker Discovery Center, developed in partnership with SCIEX, was created to develop new omics technologies for biomarker research to understand the root cause of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune diseases. We initially announced our collaboration with the University of Manchester back in October 2015. 

The History of Isotopic Labels for Quantitative Proteomics

The History of Isotopic Labels for Quantitative Proteomics

Proteomics has become a vital tool for biological scientists performing research on the healthy and diseased states of living things. It involves the large scale and systematic analysis of all proteins within a given cell, tissue, or organism. Because proteins are regulated by many different internal and external stimuli, the proteome is dynamic and quantities of proteins can change from one state to the next. Therefore, in order to be of the highest utility, proteomics experiments need to both identify and quantify proteins so that comparative studies can be done, such as between healthy cells and tumor cells, or the comparison of different treatment regimens.

The Promise of Precision Medicine

Here is the latest update on the Worldwide Efforts to Accelerate Precision Medicine

The NIH recently issued a press release in early July announcing $55 million in awards. According to the release, the $55 million award in the fiscal year 2016 will go towards building the foundational partnerships and infrastructure needed to launch the Cohort Program of President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI). The PMI Cohort Program is a landmark longitudinal research effort that aims to engage 1 million or more U.S. participants to improve the ability to prevent and treat disease based on individual differences in lifestyle, environment, and genetics.

Why Study Lipids?

Why Study Lipids?

I had an opportunity to follow up with Steven M Watkins, Ph.D. to talk about the importance of studying lipids in disease. Steve has been working in the lipids field for over 20 years and is one of the foremost experts in lipid biology. Steve founded Lipomics in 2000, an early metabolomics company focused on quantitative lipidomics and had followed that company through a series of changes that led to its involvement in the clinical diagnostic development and global metabolomics. Steve authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications including several book chapters on lipids and lipid metabolism. His presentations on this topic are fascinating and very informative, so I wanted to capture some of his thinking here!

Improved complex sample processing for higher quality of results, reproducibility and depth of proteomic analysis

Improved complex sample processing for higher quality of results, reproducibility and depth of proteomic analysis

SCIEX partners to improve depth of proteome coverage
SCIEX and Pressure BioSciences address a major challenge for researchers performing complex sample preparation by marketing a complete solution to increase the depth, breadth, and reproducibility of protein extraction, digestion, and quantitation in all tissue types, especially challenging samples like tumors.

Industrialize Your Quantitative Proteomics Using a More Simplified Sample Prep

Industrialize Your Quantitative Proteomics Using a More Simplified Sample Prep

in part 1 and part 2 of this blog series we discussed how you can increase your efficiency for high throughput quantitative proteomics by industrializing your sample analysis and data processing. Microflow SWATH® Acquisition on your TripleTOF® system coupled with OneOmics™ data analysis tools allow you to run samples faster, collect data faster, and process your data files faster. It all adds up to getting more meaningful biological information in a shorter amount of time.

Industrialize Your Quantitative Proteomics Using a More Simplified Sample Prep

Industrialize Your Quantitative Proteomics with the OneOmics Project

For many labs, the days are long gone when it was acceptable to run only a few samples a week for your quantitative proteomics projects. The pressure for faster turn-around times, to support larger cohort studies, to sustain multiple research directions, and to transition from a purely unbiased discovery mode to verifying something truly unique and interesting, all demand a faster pace. Many labs are now being asked to analyze a hundred samples a week or more. In part 1 of this blog series, we saw how moving to a microflow SWATH workflow can dramatically increase your throughput with little compromise on overall results. In this part, we’ll address what to do with all of this data because it’s just no good if all we’ve done is move the bottleneck downstream.

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