Nitrosamines: Where are we now? by SCIEX Community | 0 CommentsNitrosamines are a large group of N-nitroso compounds that share a common functional N-N=O group. They are produced by a chemical reaction between a nitrosating agent and a secondary or tertiary amine. Back in 2018, nitrosamines suddenly found themselves in the spotlight when they were unexpectedly detected in medications for high blood pressure. Since then, they have been found in several other prescription medications, including those for heartburn, acid reflux and diabetes, resulting in manufacturers recalling some common medications.
PFAS analysis in food: a robustness study in sensitivity and stability by Holly Lee | 0 CommentsThe combination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) testing, trace-level regulatory requirements and complex MS applications can be intimidating. In a recent webinar, now available on demand, SCIEX PFAS expert Craig Butt demonstrated how the new SCIEX 7500+ system can help make PFAS testing easier.
LC-MS system replacement: Are you ready? by Kirsten Craven | 0 CommentsMeeting deadlines in a bioanalysis laboratory can be a big challenge. Older, less sensitive and less reliable LC-MS systems make it even more difficult. Even the disruption caused by the installation and validation can be disconcerting and delay decisions. Does this sound familiar?
Relative migration time by Rahima Danishmand | 0 CommentsHow do I set up my processing method to calculate the RRT of the main peak to 10kD in karat 32 software?
Nitrosamines: Where are we now? by SCIEX Community | Blogs, Pharma, QTRAP / Triple QuadNitrosamines are a large group of N-nitroso compounds that share a common functional N-N=O group. They are produced by a chemical reaction between a nitrosating agent and a secondary or tertiary amine. Back in 2018, nitrosamines suddenly found themselves in the spotlight when they were unexpectedly detected in medications for high blood pressure. Since then, they have been found in several other prescription medications, including those for heartburn, acid reflux and diabetes, resulting in manufacturers recalling some common medications.
PFAS analysis in food: a robustness study in sensitivity and stability by Holly Lee | Blogs, Environmental / Industrial, Food / Beverage, QTRAP / Triple QuadThe combination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) testing, trace-level regulatory requirements and complex MS applications can be intimidating. In a recent webinar, now available on demand, SCIEX PFAS expert Craig Butt demonstrated how the new SCIEX 7500+ system can help make PFAS testing easier.
LC-MS system replacement: Are you ready? by Kirsten Craven | Blogs, Pharma, QTRAP / Triple QuadMeeting deadlines in a bioanalysis laboratory can be a big challenge. Older, less sensitive and less reliable LC-MS systems make it even more difficult. Even the disruption caused by the installation and validation can be disconcerting and delay decisions. Does this sound familiar?
Relative migration time by Rahima Danishmand | CE, QA/QC, Questions, SCIEX OS softwareHow do I set up my processing method to calculate the RRT of the main peak to 10kD in karat 32 software?
Metabolite identification and peace of mind by Kirsten Craven | Blogs, LC, Pharma, QTRAP / Triple Quad, ZenoTOF 7600 systemManaging metabolite identification (Met ID) studies is challenging, so what is at the top of your priority list as you plan the year ahead? Ensuring you have the data needed to manage product safety, meeting deadlines, staff recruitment and training, maintaining compliance, capital expenses, or something else?
Does SCIEX provide APIs? by 显顺 汪 | Questions, SCIEX OS softwareWhere I can get the API of the software?
Understanding technical debt: the hidden cost of ignoring problems by April Quinn-Paquet | Blogs, SCIEX OS software, TechnologyIn today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses heavily rely on software and IT systems to drive their operations. However, the pursuit of efficiency and speed often leads to the accumulation of what is known as technical debt. Technical debt refers to the implied cost incurred when businesses choose quick but limited solutions over better approaches that may take more time to implement. This blog post will delve into the concept of technical debt, its implications for businesses and how to avoid falling victim to its detrimental effects.
Loss the contact closure signal by amornmart jaratrungtawee | Proteomics, QTOF, Questions, SCIEX OS softwareour 7600 couple with nanoLC Ultimate 3000 via contact closure. it has run without any loss connection during the batch. Just yesterday, the last injection keep equilibrating system until the LC finished the gradient run. We closed the software and power off LC and MS then started again but it did not help. The Dionex engineer also checked their LC and triggerring cable found both are ok.
Optimized rolling collision energy curves for IDA and SWATH DIA for peptides by Christie Hunter | Data acquisition, Life Science Research, Proteomics, QTOF, SCIEX information, ZenoTOF 7600 systemDuring data dependent acquisition (DDA or IDA) or SWATH acquisition, the collision energy can be automatically adjusted according to the mass/charge and charge of the peptide. This dependency has been well characterized on our QTOF systems. By selecting rolling...
New features in OneOmics suite by April Quinn-Paquet | Bioanalysis/PK, Biopharma, Genomics, Life Science Research, Lipidomics, Metabolomics, Multi-Omics, OneOmics, Pharma, Proteomics, SCIEX information, SoftwareI just wanted to thank the readers here, both the OneOmics suite users who’ve shared their time and watched OneOmics grow, and for all the talented developers and scientists who’ve made OneOmics suite what it is today.
Current proteomics software compatibility for ZenoTOF 7600 system by Christie Hunter | Data processing, Life Science Research, Proteomics, SCIEX information, ZenoTOF 7600 systemBelow is a summary of various other software packages that are useful for processing proteomics data from the ZenoTOF 7600 system. Note this list is not comprehensive and only covers the tools we have lightly tested to date. Acquisition Type Software Files needed...
Processing ZenoTOF 7600 system data with DIA-NN software by Christie Hunter | Data processing, Life Science Research, Proteomics, SCIEX information, ZenoTOF 7600 systemDIA-NN software is a powerful software tool for processing data independent acquisition (DIA) proteomics datasets. It uses neural networks and other algorithms to identify and quantify peptides and proteins from DIA data and is specifically optimized for fast...
Using Scheduled Ionization to reduce system ion load for proteomics data acquisition by Alexandra Antonoplis | Data acquisition, Ion sources, Life Science Research, Proteomics, QTOF, QTRAP / Triple Quad, SCIEX information, SCIEX OS software, ZenoTOF 7600 systemWhen analyzing highly complex samples from biological matrices, there can be significant amounts of material that elute in the wash cycle of the LC run, depending on the up-front sample preparation used. The Scheduled Ionization mode, available in both SCIEX OS...
Assess the performance of the Echo® MS system by Christie Hunter | Echo MS, Optimizing Performance, SCIEX information, TechnologyTo obtain the best, most reproducible results using the Echo MS system, it is important to select the best solvent for your analyte and matrix and to ensure the flow rate is optimized for your solvent. Please review this flow rate optimization community post to...
Excel macro for plate building for transformation of 96-well to 384-well plates with generation of batch lists for SCIEX OS software by Mackenzie Pearson | Bioanalysis/PK, Data acquisition, Echo MS, Pharma, Research (RUO), SCIEX informationThis macro-enabled workbook is designed to help with creating a formatted analysis list for the Echo® MS system, using 96-well plate maps or lists
Switching between different LCs that communicate through ethernet and setting up the correct module IP address by Adrian Taylor | Data acquisition, Getting Started, LC, SCIEX information, SCIEX OS software, TechnologyDifferent LC options are supported in SCIEX OS software and Analyst software. Those that communicate through ethernet differ in their default IP addresses. In this community post, we will detail the LAN setup, configuring the IP address and subnet mask for LC...
MRM method transfer from a SCIEX Triple Quad or QTRAP 6500+ system to the SCIEX 7500 system by Christie Hunter | Bioanalysis/PK, Data processing, Methods / workflows, Pharma, QTRAP / Triple Quad, SCIEX information, SCIEX OS softwareGeneral recommendations when beginning method development Objective: The purpose of this document is to provide a quick reference for transferring MRM-based quantification methods from a SCIEX Triple Quad or QTRAP 6500+ system to a SCIEX 7500 system. While the best...
Save time by saving your workspace layout in SCIEX OS software by April Quinn-Paquet | Data Visualization, How-to videos, SCIEX OS softwareThis video teaches you how to save your workspace layout in Analytics section of SCIEX OS software. Streamline your data visualization by saving optimized workspace layouts for your various data processing workflows. RUO-MKT-18-13321-A
High complexity of the lipidome by Mackenzie Pearson | Data acquisition, Food / Beverage, How-to videos, Life Science Research, Lipidomics, ZenoTOF 7600 systemThe complexity of the lipidome is diverse in the structure and there are many combinatorial isoforms that are available within nature. Currently, many different techniques are required to fully characterize a lipid molecule. What if you could do it in a single...
What is the difference between MRM3 vs MS/MS/MS (MS3)? by Christie Hunter | Data acquisition, QTRAP / Triple Quad, SCIEX information, TechnologyThe MRM3 workflow and the MS3 scan are functionally the same QTRAP system scan, but used with different goals in mind. The main difference is how these scans are used in the whole MS workflow. With MS3 scans, you can use these in a data dependent mode for discovery...
Standard addition workflow – for quantification and calculating background levels by April Quinn-Paquet | Bioanalysis/PK, Data processing, Pharma, QTOF, QTRAP / Triple Quad, SCIEX information, SCIEX OS software, Technology, ZenoTOF 7600 systemThe method of standard addition is a quantitative analysis approach used in situations where matrix effects from complex samples contributes to the analytical signal. This makes it impossible to compare the analytical signal between sample and standard using a...
Decision Rules in SCIEX OS software by April Quinn-Paquet | Data acquisition, How-to videos, SCIEX OS software, TechnologyLearn how Decision Rules in SCIEX OS software can be used during acquisition to take corrective actions on the sample queue. This will help you save time and reduce sample losses during acquisition. RUO-MKT-11-13239-A
How do I add a retention time calibration protein to my SWATH acquisition ion library? by Christie Hunter | Data processing, Life Science Research, OneOmics, Proteomics, QTOF, SCIEX information, ZenoTOF 7600 systemWhen processing SWATH acquisition data, you want to use a reasonably narrow time window to reduce the chance of incorrect peak integrations and to reduce data processing time. There are currently two strategies being employed today to adjust for differences between...
Controlling the M5 MicroLC system with SCIEX OS software using contact closure by Christie Hunter | Biopharma, Data acquisition, LC, Pharma, SCIEX informationContact closure can be used to control external devices that are not directly controlled by SCIEX OS software. A sample batch is first created in the SCIEX OS software for MS acquisition, and then a similar batch is created on an external LC device with the required...
What are my normalization options in MarkerView software and when should I use them? by Christie Hunter | Algorithms, Data processing, MarkerView, SCIEX information, TechnologyIn an LC-MS experiment there are multiple sources of variance that can confound the quality of your results. This variation can be biological e.g. differences between treated and control groups, but can also be non-biological, usually from small variations in...
Computing protein confidence with improved accuracy by reassessing peptide confidence during protein grouping by Christie Hunter | Data processing, Life Science Research, ProteinPilot, Proteomics, QTOF, SCIEX information, ZenoTOF 7600 systemProteinPilot software 4.0 and higher releases include a new method for calculating protein confidences that improves reliability at the end of protein lists. Figure 1 shows a simulated example that demonstrates how more accurate protein confidence is computed. Figure...
Breaking down the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP® Ready by Jianru Stahl-Zeng | Blogs, ClinicalSensitivity and robustness carry different meanings in the world of mass spectrometry. Generally, sensitivity refers to an instrument’s ability to achieve lower limits of detection (LOD). Robustness, on the other hand, refers to an instrument’s ability to consistently...
Importing acquisition methods from Analyst software to SCIEX OS software by April Quinn-Paquet | Data acquisition, How-to videos, Methods / workflows, SCIEX OS software, TechnologyThe SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 system is the first nominal mass instrument to be released completely on SCIEX OS software. Moving to a new software solution can be time consuming with the need to transfer numerous methods to the new platform. SCIEX OS software helps...
A rising star in food allergen research: proteomics of shellfish allergen by SCIEX Community | Blogs, Food / Beverage, Life Science Research, ProteomicsIt’s important to know what you’re eating, especially if you suffer from a food allergy. About 220 million people worldwide live with a food allergy.1 These numbers, along with the complexity and severity of conditions, continue to rise. In America, there are about 32 million food allergy sufferers—5.6 million of those are children under the age of 18.2.2 That’s 1 out of every 13 children, or about 2 in every classroom. From a financial perspective, the cost of food allergy childcare for US families is up to $25 billion